Your EU experts

To operate successfully in Europe, you need to know how EU and local regulations affect your business. As it is, though, most business have enough on their plate with managing their suppliers, services and customers. So how do you find out what you need to know?

Your European Office provides a one-stop shop advisory service.

We work with a network of experts on EU and government affairs. These are sector-leading advisors who have spent years representing the interests of SMEs in the European Union and internationally. They have worked with representative organisations such as the UK Federation of Small Businesses among others. So they know what  businesses need. These experts are also able to translate the legislation and regulatory guidance into simple actions for your company. They can help research rules, taxes and customs policies for your sector and target market. They can identify any new regulatory developments that might have an impact on your plans.

Get in contact if you would like to discuss your needs or concerns with one of our advisors